Rivers Cuomoの妻KyokoがWeezer新曲「King Of The World」に対する想いを告白 歌詞に隠されたふたりの絆が明らかに
既にMVが公開中Weezer新曲「King Of The World」。Weezerらしいキャッチーな楽曲だが、実はRivers Cuomoが妻Kyoko Cuomoに向けて書いたことが判明。
If I was king of the world<br> You’d be my girl<br> You wouldn’t have to shed one single tear<br> Unless you wanted to<br> ‘Cause yeah I know what it’s like<br> If I was king of the world<br> Yeah, girl<br> We could ride a greyhound all the way to the Galapagos<br> And stay for the rest of our lives
― Weezer – King of the World
You wouldn’t have to shed one single tear<br> Unless you wanted to
― Weezer – King of the World
King of the World
― Weezer – King of the World
このほかのKyoko夫人によるコメント・解説全文はGenius内「King Of The World」歌詞ページへ。
「King Of The World」MVはこちら
Feb 6, 2016